What a strange new year’s eve. I texted this to a friend at 5pm on New Year’s Eve.
“This is somehow a metaphor for life. There are teenagers opposite our house illegally climbing into the soccer field, whilst listening to dance music. I silently watch them whilst dismantling my cardboard box to make it fit into the recycling bin, dressed in the clean pyjamas I’ve already got on for tonight”.
Such a strange new year. We don’t know how the latest wave of COVID will affect us. How about the long lines for testing? We all applaud them but having to wait in a car for 6 hours is incredible. And people in Aged Care – it’s heartbreaking that they’re not able to see their family now or go on outings. We need hope don’t we?
Following on from the birth of Jesus, which we celebrated last week, Joseph and Mary, with their new baby boy, have travelled from Bethlehem to Jerusalem to visit the temple. A faithful Jewish family had to perform several religious acts after a child was born. The primary ritual for a boy on the 8th day after his birth was circumcision and naming of the child. He was given the name Jesus, which as the angel had instructed, which in Hebrew is “Yeshuah”, and means, “God is salvation”.
The parents were required to go to the Temple to make animal sacrifices, a lamb for an offering to say thanks to God and a bird – a pigeon or a dove – for a sin offering. The sin offering was made because Mary had been ritually ‘unclean’ after childbirth. If a family were too poor to afford a lamb, they were allowed to substitute a second bird for the thank offering. So Joseph and Mary come with a poor family’s offering, a pair of birds. As they stand in the temple presenting their child and offering their thanks to God, an aged priest comes forward: Simeon. Simeon had been led there by the Holy Spirit that day, Luke tells us. God had revealed to him that he would not see death until he saw the Saviour of the world. And then the Spirit of God showed him that this was the day, and Jesus was the One.
You know I love Simeon’s story! I have spoken about him before at Tarrawanna…I think my message on that occasion was ‘It’s never too late’ – that is, Simeon waited his whole life to identify and celebrate arrival of the Messiah. And it wasn’t until we presume his old age, that his life’s purpose was fulfilled. So, it’s never too late, and you’re never too old, for God to fulfil his purposes through you!
Simeon doesn’t see any flashy miracles in the temple that day. Water isn’t turned into wine. No one’s cured of leprosy. A dead man doesn’t rise from the grave. He sees baby Jesus, Immanuel, God with us, and our reading says he praised God. That is, something bubbled up inside him of utter gratitude to God when he saw Jesus, he was overwhelmed with thankfulness.
Actually a lot of people call this the Song of Simeon – it’s because that’s the way Jewish Rabbi’s and Priests said prayers – they sang. I think that’s pretty cool. So Simeon looked at Jesus, raised his eyes heavenward and sang, “Lord, now let your servant depart in peace according to your Word, for my eyes have seen your salvation which has been prepared for all people.”
As an aside, Simeon’s song is in the Anglican Book of Prayer and is called a Canticle which meant to be said or sung every night, I guess just before sleep. The Canticle, has been put to music by many composers. We’re going to listen to Simeon’s Song, put to music by Tommy Walker:
Now, what struck me this year, is that Simeon is full of gratitude and thankfulness to God…but the truth is, the promise of Jesus is not yet completely fulfilled. I mean, Simeon is holding a baby – a completely helpless, unable to speak a word, unable to control his bodily functions yet – baby. But Simeon knows and believes with every fibre of his being that God is faithful and he comes through on his promises.
When he says “For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles…”(Luke 2:30-32), Simeon is directly quoting many Old Testament prophets. One for example is Isaiah 42:1, 6b-7
“Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him, I will keep you and will make you,
to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles,
to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.”
And Simeon absolutely believes that God is true to his word, that God has fulfilled what he has promised. And that absolute trust in God, shows itself in gratitude and thankfulness - even though God’s promise is not completely fulfilled YET. Note the reading says he praised God “For my eyes HAVE SEEN your salvation”. He’s seen it. He’s certain. He’s not just hoping that something will come of this baby. If it was me, I’d be thinking, well dag-nabbit I wish I’d met this guy in the temple when he’s fully grown and can actually bring about salvation! No, his trust is 100% in God and his word. And his trust and hope looks forward to what is to come.
How is your trust in God going? Because it will make all the difference to how you live life. It makes a difference to the choices we make, it makes a difference to how we respond to our circumstances, it makes a difference to how we perceive our life. And it makes us more thankful and grateful.
I read this post on face book this week from Jess Farthing, the Corps Officer at Shellharbour.
“For a family to love, and beautiful friends to share. For my babies laughs, and wiggly teeth.
For a roof over my head and food on my plate. For living in a safe part of the world, with very few worries. For Free medical and hospital beds. For the clean water that runs from a tap in my house!
For Free education and silly teachers that have crazy imaginations, and teach more than just books.
For the tears of the broken that have found amazing grace.
For creativity and the possibility of renewal, revelation and revival. For the peace, kindness, and selflessness of a stranger.
For the choice to love, and empathise, in the face of adversity. For HOPE and wise counsel.
For a Love that surrounds me, pursues me, shapes me and confronts me, for reasons that are bigger than my understanding. I.Am. So. Very. Grateful.
The foundation of gratitude is trust…trust in God, even if your prayers are not answered yet, evn if your circumstances are difficult. 100% trust in God.
We’ll listen to Great is thy faithfulness (sung by Women of Faith)…I pray for “Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow….” for you this week. God bless you, Robyn