What a week huh? Brisbane is in a hard lockdown – people as far as Maroochydore stripped the supermarket shelves bare in panic buying on Friday, ahead of 3 days at home. I went out to Corrimal Court and Warrawong this week and was really impressed – everyone I saw had a mask on. How good is the Illawarra?? But it has been very inconvenient for some. My friend, who is a Franciscan Friar, was meant to move to Adelaide to live a week ago, and still doesn’t have permission to travel across the state border yet.
So today’s story - people travelling from afar – nay, another land to see Jesus. I thought, just as well it didn’t happen nowadays. Those wise people would never have made it across the borders to Jesus! But travel across borders they did! They travelled across geographic borders, cultural borders, racial borders, language borders and spiritual borders. The term Magi is a Greek term for Zoroastrian priests, which was the official religion of Persia.
We imagine there were many in the party, even though there were only 3 gifts mentioned. They would have travelled from Persia, with cooks and animal handlers, and servants – a great moving band of people who spoke Persian and did not worship Yahweh or God. And yet, here they were following a star (that had actually shone however many light years earlier for them to see it), to find Jesus.
There is such a lot in this well-known story that is fascinating. For instance, the Persian priests follow the star as far as Jerusalem, and then very sensibly ask for directions. Herod, who was appointed as the Jewish King heard about this. Herod was Jewish but his family had converted, they didn’t go back for generations in Judaism. Also he had a fairly decadent and spent lavish sums of money on himself. And he was aggressive and a tyrant and even murdered his own wife and some of his sons. So though Herod was technically the King, the Jewish people knew he wasn’t for real. They knew that his lineage wasn’t right and his heart wasn’t right. So when the Magi start asking questions about this newborn King of the Jews, Herod is very interested. He’s willing to kill his own flesh and blood to retain power – killing a baby of poor villagers, that is Mary and Joseph, would have been nothing to him.
It fascinates me that Herod consults the leading Jewish teachers, the chief priests and head scribes, to ask them where the promised Messiah would be born. And they tell him “Bethlehem”. These guys knew. They had all the head knowledge of all the prophets, they knew the scriptures back to front. In fact, they even believed the scriptures. But they just never went to Bethlehem themselves!
Finding Jesus and following Jesus is NEVER just about head knowledge. Plenty of people can study scripture and know all the stories, but never actually do anything about it that impacts their life. Imagine if those Jewish teachers and priests had thought for one minute…maybe, just maybe we should check this out. Maybe it’s more than a coincidence that scripture talks about the Messiah being born in Bethlehem and these guys have followed a star here.
I’ve often recounted that I grew up learning all the stories about Jesus. I went to Sunday school and heard about Jesus. I went to Sunday school every week. but it wasn’t until I was 14 years old that I heard for the first time that I could proactively seek Jesus with everything I have, give my heart to him, follow him, give my life to him. And I found a new life!
This week I thought a lot about people who have hung around church for a long time on and off, who have a knowledge of God, but never really make a commitment. You may feel like that, like you’re on the outside looking in when it comes to Christianity, even though you’ve kind of hung around for years. And it seems to me at least, that when we do that, we’re missing out on the best bit!! Whole hearted commitment to God is life at its best…forgiven, trusting God, becoming part of his family, having a purpose. Knowing you’re never alone, knowing that God himself is within you. The best.
My first point today is - Being a Jesus follower has NEVER been just about head knowledge…you can know all the stories like those Jewish teachers but unless you make a commitment to God, it won’t impact your life.
Secondly, the Magi didn’t have all the answers. They weren’t sure at all when they started out where they were going. But they went anyway. And they moved with what they knew.
I think sometimes God’s plans for us unfolds little by little. For those of us who are older, think of all the ways and places that you have served God and others. And each time, you could never have guessed where God would take you next or what you would be doing.
I often think about me being asked to play the piano at Sunday school when I was a teenager…oh I was SO nervous. But I kept going back every week, and eventually I played for the youth group – again so nervous. But I kept going back every week, and then I started playing for church. Sometimes before we’d start I’d think, ‘what happens if I go out there and look at the music and the little black notes on the page don’t’ mean anything…like they don’t compute!’ But God is faithful – sure I’ve had big mistakes, some here. But I always wanted to say yes to God if it meant if would mean his people could worship. It was not about my ego or my embarrassment .
I know many of you here over the years have said yes to God to teach Sunday school, or minister to people in aged care, or shake hands at the front door, or make morning tea (when we could do that!), or do a sermon, or lead a bible study or to feed people. And each time you could never have imagined where God would lead you next. But lead us, he does. Just like those Persian Priests. Bit by bit, not knowing where our journey will lead, but moving where God seems to direct us. We’ll never know all the details, but we need to keep moving with God.
So following Jesus has never been just about head knowledge, and we’ll never know all the details but we need to move with God on what we know.
Finally, the Persian persist didn’t let any barriers stand in their way. They were from another country, culture and religion. Language could have been a barrier, cultural and racial differences could have been a barrier. But they overcame every barrier because they were focussed on their goal of worshipping Jesus. Hebrews 12:1-2 says “Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.”
You may have lots of barriers to following Jesus, being the person he wants you to be, doing what he wants you to do. Maybe family barriers, it’s all too difficult with family resistance. You may feel there’s educational barriers – if only id gone to bible college. You may feel there’s age barriers – im too young or too old for God to follow God wholeheartedly.
I acknowledge, some barriers are real and hard to overcome. But keep your eyes on Jesus. The Magi just kept focussed on their desire to worship Jesus, and didn’t let anything get in the way. What are your barriers to deeper commitment to God?
Hebrews says it so clearly…how can we keep on with what God wants us to do? There’s so many distractions, so many things that could prevent us, so many things that are a barrier to following Jesus daily…but the answer is, keep focussed on Jesus.
Following Jesus has never been just about head knowledge, we’ll never know all the details but we need to move with God on what we know. Keep focussed on Jesus to overcome barriers along the way. We’ll listen to, Yet not I but through Christ in me.